Outdoor Gear

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Clever ways to enjoy the outdoors

Our focus is on simply designed outdoor gear that is portable, practical & easy to use!

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Camping & Glamping

Camping & Glamping

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Outdoor Style & Practicallity....

Kiwi owned and operated

Lifestyle Gear was originally started in 2014 with a personal search for a sun shelter suited to New Zealand’s environment. Along the way was the discovery of international brands that had not previously made it to our shores. What we have discovered was our passion to bring stylish and functional outdoor gear to New Zealand.

Enhancing your outdoor experience

At Lifestyle Gear, we transform ordinary outings into extraordinary adventures. With a dedication to quality, innovation, and style, we bring you the finest outdoor gear designed to elevate every moment spent under the open skies. Whether you're basking on the beach, enjoying a picnic, or embracing the thrill of camping, our products are thoughtfully crafted to blend seamlessly with New Zealand’s stunning landscapes, ensuring your outdoor experiences are nothing short of remarkable.

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